“Many research studies have proven that students participating in Dual Enrollment programs whether through Early & Middle Colleges or regular school/ college partnerships have an array of positive outcomes including: college degree attainment, college access and enrollment, college credit accumulation, completing high school, and general academic achievement in high school.” *
Schools and colleges have a myriad of decisions to make when creating these programs, and having access to technical assistance and program development is invaluable for them during the planning process. CCEMC exists to provide the support, resources and guidance needed by these partnerships, and you can help them, and help the thousands of students that stand to benefit from these programs, by pledging your support.

Direct donations, in-kind donations, and sponsorship of our annual conference are welcomed. As a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation, your donations are tax exempt. Please contact Melissa Madigan, Executive Director at to donate. Your support is invaluable.
* What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report: A summary of findings from a systematic review of the evidence: Dual Enrollment Programs (2017, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education)