Technical Assistance and Program Development
CCEMC has nearly 10 years of experience in supporting schools and colleges in developing, launching or scaling Dual Enrollment programs, AB 30 CCAP programs, or simple MOU programs. Additionally, we provide full support for the development, launching and scaling of autonomous early and middle high colleges or early middle college programs within a comprehensive high school. CCEMC is here to support college districts, individual colleges, K-12 districts and individual high schools as they explore Dual Enrollment, implement Dual Enrollment or enhance existing Dual Enrollment programs. Whether your district/school requires only a few hours of support or a full academic year of support or beyond, CCEMC is here to support your Dual Enrollment program.

Here are a few examples of services CCEMC offers
- Customized consulting services to assist in the development of a new Dual Enrollment program
- Customized consulting services to provide guidance on enhancing and/or expanding existing Dual Enrollment programs
- Dual Enrollment Coachingâ„ personalized to your organization, partnership, and current status
- Technical assistance including, but not limited to, customized professional development to fit the needs of a district, a college, or a school
- Private Dual Enrollment Leadership Academy (DELA) for a district, a college, or a school
- Small group guidance on Dual Enrollment best practices
Fill out the form below to contact CCEMC for more information.