Welcome to the new website for CCEMC! Equity, Expansion, Excellence in Dual Enrollment

Early and Middle College High Schools and Programs

When planning a new early or middle college high school or an early/middle college program within a comprehensive high school, there are numerous decisions to be made initially, and then teams must engage in deep planning in order for the implementation launch to be successful. Focusing on some of the many decision-making areas below and developing a plan based on these topics will support successful implementation of your school or program.

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Professional Development

CCEMC can support educational institutions through the decision and planning process in many ways. CCEMC’s Professional Development events and academies are an excellent vehicle to learn more about successful early or middle college high schools or early/middle college programs within a comprehensive high school along with the opportunity to network with Dual Enrollment educators from across the state.

Dual Enrollment Coaching

As you design, implement, and evaluate your early/middle college school or program, take advantage of the services of a certified Dual Enrollment Coach℠ through CCEMC. Coaching services are offered to K-12 and community colleges include designing, launching, implementing, and evaluating dual enrollment programs.

Your Dual Enrollment Coach℠ will assist you in ensuring your grant-funded early/middle college school or program meets the CDE Dual Enrollment Opportunities Grant expectations and aligns with evidence-based best practices.

Work with your Dual Enrollment Coach℠ to implement a high quality early/middle college school or program eligible for the CDE’s Dual Enrollment Exemplary Award!

Submit a contract request form today!

Technical Assistance

CCEMC’s Technical Assistance and Program Development is the next level of customized support that can be provided on-site, virtual or a combination of both. The key to Technical Assistance and Program Development is the personalized and customized services that are tailored to the needs of your organization, and CCEMC prides itself on working with all budget levels. Click on the link below to contact CCEMC for more information.

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Early/Middle College High School Development

The development stage is one of the most important steps in designing an Early/Middle College High School or program. The more decisions that are made and determined during development will facility a successful launch. Below is a sampling of needs and decisions.

Initial Decision

  • Initial Leadership Team
  • Location of High School
  • New Autonomous School or Program within a High School
  • Format/Structure of School
  • Academic or Vocational Focus or a Combination
  • Mission and/or Vision Statement


  • Expand Leadership Team
  • Budget
  • Staffing
  • Partnership Type: MOU or CCAP
  • Alignment of School Policies & Practices
  • Target Student Population with Equity
  • Intentional Pathways/ Theme
  • Student Supports & Interventions
  • Recruitment Strategies
  • Costs - Textbooks, college fees, etc.
  • Community Involvement
  • Labor Market Value
  • Paperwork/eForms - Admissions & Records
  • Accountability Documentation
  • Develop Advisory Board(s)


  • Hire Staff
  • Recruit Students
  • Develop Advisory Boards*
  • Ongoing Evaluation & Performance Improvement
  • Scaling/Expansion of Program

*This step can occur sooner in the planning process

The Dual Enrollment Handbook

is an excellent resource.

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