Dual Enrollment Coaching℠
As you design, implement, and evaluate your dual enrollment program and partnership, take advantage of the services of a certified Dual Enrollment Coach℠ through CCEMC.
Coaching services are offered to K-12 and community colleges include designing, launching, implementing, and evaluating dual enrollment programs.
Your Dual Enrollment Coach℠ will assist you in ensuring your program meets the CDE Dual Enrollment Opportunities Grant expectations and aligns with evidence-based best practices.
Work with your Dual Enrollment Coach℠ to implement a high quality program eligible for the CDE’s Dual Enrollment Exemplary Award!

Dual Enrollment Coaching℠ contracts are available for 20 hours at $10,000 or 45 hours at $20,000. Coaching hours may be used over the 2024-2025 academic year.
This is an appropriate use of the Dual Enrollment Opportunities Grant funding, including both the Middle College and Early College Grant and College and Career Access Pathways Grant.